Episode 3
New Patron!
Nature MUSEum


The times are strange and defy chronological perception, and we go up the hill of Al-Shaykh Muwannis. Our angst-ridden bodies, thrown into the capsule, unable to deny the constituting authority of the metaphor of nature – hoorah, a new patron! And yet, we remember that nature is only a metaphor, sometimes an illness, sometimes a god, sometimes a greenhouse. In the Nature MUSEum hakahaLahakah begins the long climb back to culture, to meet what remains of it. There we try to exist as avatars in the cautionary tale of the natural history of man. Our pilgrimage, which must atone for our unique position as artists-of-the-body, those who are almost extinct but at least who will not allow themselves to be captured.

The pack packed a pact to curate survival, to protect it, to celebrate its sadness. Survival and beauty are once again good friends. Further, Further, surrounded by stuffed animals and guided by instructions for saving the ocean, we crawl after Zelma, our mythological guide in the various museums of natural disasters. We persist in our desire to be micro-sculptures and generate telepathic ceremonies for our impending transformation. Now, culture’s guilt regarding its natural ruthlessness is a compass for orienteering in our new habitat. We performed a school of choreography as we danced the reality of becoming a company. We devoted ourselves to investigating the economy of creation, as each one of us gave his heart over as a companion to our mutual fragility.